Sunday, October 31, 2021


Freckles are little brown spots found on the skin. These spots are multiple and may develop due to repeated exposure to sunlight. Freckles are common with people of fair complexion. They occur due to an increase in the amount of dark pigment called melanin and the total number of melanocytes (pigment-producing cells).

There are two types of freckles. Ephelides freckles which emerge during the summer due to sun exposure and fade during winter. Lentigines freckles which are darker in color and are more permanent in nature, lentigo persists in the absence of ultraviolet stimulation. Ephelides and lentigines can occur in the same individuals and the risk factors for both are generally the same.

Ephelides are very common in fair-skinned people, especially in children with red hair, where the MCIR gene is thought to be the main gene involved. They are an inherited characteristic that also sometimes affects people with darker skin types.

Lentigines are common in people with fair skin, but they also frequently arise in sun-exposed sites in people who tan easily or who have naturally dark skin. Lentigines are common after the age of 40 years, but they may also occur in younger people.

Lentigines are brown flat lesions with a clearly defined edge. The most common type, solar lentigines, arise in middle age and result from sun damage. They are most often found on the face and hands, and they are larger and more defined than freckles. Other types of lentigo include ink spot lentigo and lentigo simplex.


An ephelis is brown because of the pigment melanin. Melanin is made by melanocytes and diffused into keratinocytes. Melanin production by melanocytes decreases during the winter months, and increases when the skin is exposed to the UV radiation in sunlight. The color is due to the localized accumulation of melanin in keratinocytes. There is no increase in the melanocytes.


Ephelides arise on an individual’s mid face and sometimes more widely from early childhood onwards. As the person ages, this type of freckle generally become less noticeable. They are prominent in summer but fade considerably or disappear in winter. An ephelis is usually less than 3mm in diameter.

Solar lentigines tend to persist for long periods, and they do not disappear in the winter although they may fade. They vary in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter. Color tends to be uniform across the lesion, with a yellowish or greyish light-brown hue. The border of the lesion is sharply defined, and an irregular border may give it a scalloped shape. They have a dry a dry or slightly scale surface. One or more seborrheic keratoses may arise from a solar lentigo.


Homoeopathy today is a growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When FRECKLES is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.


Red or mottled skin. Stout, obese, sensitive and chilly persons, leading sedentary life. Children who dislike bathing. Violent itching and burning.


A specific remedy for freckles. Freckles on the skin anywhere.


Discoloration of skin in women with menstrual and uterine disorder. Skin was hot and dry.


Facial blemishes in young woman.


Freckles, brown non elevated spots on skin.


Black or dark violet spots. Anemia.


Discoloration of facial skin, especially after childbirth or loss of vital fluids.


Brown spots, freckles, worse on left side of the face and nose. Dry, shrunken skin.


Freckles. Yellow spots on the face. Blue rings around the eyes. Skin dry, rough, and chapped.


Dark-colored freckles. Yellow sickly face. Coppery spots on shin bones. Black pores on face, papules, worse on forehead.


Brownish or blood red spots here and there, worse in summer, or on constant sun exposure. Circumscribed redness in one or both cheeks. Burning heat and redness of cheek.


Freckles, especially in young females with red, hot, flushed face.


Yellow blotches on the face. Yellow about the mouth. Saddle-like brownish distribution on the nose and cheeks. Circumscribed discolored skin spots in young women.


Face freckled, and spotted. Pale, dry, sickly, old looking skin. Circumscribed red cheek. Unhealthy skin. Itching, worse at night and heat of bed.  Burning, when scratched.





Allergic rhinitis or hay fever is an allergic reaction to tiny particles in the air called allergens. When breathe allergens enter the body   through nose or mouth, body reacts against it by releasing a chemical called histamine. Several indoor and out door allergens cause hay fever, such as pollen from trees and plants, dust mites or tiny flecks and saliva shed by cats, dogs and other animals with fur or feathers.

Symptoms of hay fever include, sneezing, nasal congestion and irritation of nose, throat, mouth and eyes. Hay fever is not contagious.


Homoeopathy today is a growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When Allergic rhinitis   is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.


Hay fever, in every August. Profuse watery discharge with sneezing, acrid burning, excoriating the nose and upper lip, and with profuse, bland lachrymation. Acrid, watery discharge dropping from the tip of nose, burns like fire, excoriates the lips and wings of nose. Feeling of a lump at root of nose.  Sensitive to odors of flowers and the skin of peaches. Sneezing, especially when entering a warm room. Itching, biting, burning in the eyes, must rub them. Eyes suffused and watery. Coryza with headache, cough, and hoarseness.


Sneezing. Coryza, with rawness in nostrils. Loss of smell. Thin copious bloody ichorous nasal discharge. Itching and uneasy feeling around the nose. Nose congested. Nose dry, secretion suppressed. Nose and upper lip covered with thick scabs. Eyes suffused and congested. General torpor and prostration.


Hay fever. Watery coryza, sneezing, watery discharge. Lachrymation and intolerable itching of eyelids. Nosebleed. Stuffed up feeling of nose and head. Irritation of trachea and bronchial tubes, with asthmatic attacks. Wheezy cough. Eyes smart and burn.


Violent, incessant sneezing. Fluent coryza. Nasal mucous membrane swollen. Itching, burning in swollen nose. Stoppage of nose, though discharge is watery and profuse. Dull pain in frontal sinus. Puffiness of eyelids. Conjunctiva red, edematous with lachrymation. Red spots in eyes. Itching, and   burning, in eyes and ears.


Long-continued sneezing. Snuffles of children. Chronic nasal catarrh with tendency to acute stuffiness with dull, sluggish memory. Dull headache. Takes cold easily, nostrils become congested and blocked up easily.


Allergic rhinitis with intense thirst. Great thirst for small quantities of water at frequent intervals. Copious watery, excoriating discharge from the nose. Anxiety and great restlessness. Worse in open air.


Hay fever. Thin, watery, excoriating discharge from anterior and posterior sinuses. Drips water, which is hot, green, acrid, reddens upper lip. Nose swollen. Irritation and tingling of nose constant desire to sneeze. Aggravation by sneezing. Persistent, but unsatisfactory sneezing. Coryza with dyspnea. Acrid coryza, with burning eyes. Arsenic iodide is suited to persons of pale, delicate complexion, prone to glandular affections.


Frequent sneezing. The least current of air causes sneezing, with copious watery, excoriating nasal discharge, of salty acrid taste. Smarting soreness of the posterior nares and alae nasi; awakes with suffocative breathing. Dry, wheezing breathing, worse during inspiration, and better by bending forward.


Hay fever with burning and itching of palate and conjunctiva. Annoying itching in the nostrils and roof of the mouth. Coryza, with loss of smell. Sneezing, itching of nostrils. Burning and itching in auditory canals.


Obstruction of nose, wakes him at night, blowing nose does not give relief. During headache, while lying on abdomen, sitting. Sneezing in cold air, when walking in open air.


Frequent sneezing with itching in the ear. Loss of smell. Fluent coryza with sneezing. Disturbed digestion. Salty taste in mouth.


Hypersecretion from the nasal and ocular mucous membranes. Edema of the eyelids. Sneezing. Hypersensitivity to weather changes. Hay fever. Allergic vaso-motor affections of the nose.  Bronchial asthma. Sensitive skin.


Pruritus in the nose with feeling that the skin of the nose is shrinking. Feeling that the nasal orifices are enlarged. Feeling of painful dryness in the nostrils. Inspiration difficult, and painful in cold air. Nose blocked on one or both sides. Head cold with blocked nostril on one side and feeling of heat and prickling. Spasmodic rhinitis. Feeling of heat and pruritus at the edge of the eyelids. Feeling of foreign body in the eyes. Edge of the eyelids red, edematous.


Sneezing a lot on waking. Sneezing and feeling cold, followed by a warm feeling. Sneezing with acrid, itchy sensation. Sneezing and thin coryza. Tingling in nose, with sensation as if about to sneeze. Nose running on the left side, and the right side is clear.


Violent sneezing. Takes cold from every damp day. Coryza, descending, profuse, acrid, hot, watery discharge, worse cool air with salivation and dyspnea. Tip of nose red. Nasal catarrh involving frontal sinus.  Ozaena, with perforated septum. Cool, greenish, irritating, discharge from nose.


A protective remedy, if given before the season sets in. Chilly patient. Better in open air. Loss of smell and taste.


Profuse watery coryza excoriating ale, drops down posterior sinuses. Worse from breathing the least dust, worse out of doors. Stopped catarrh.


Acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nasal cavities. Head cold, with pale or yellow nasal secretion, especially in the morning. Frontal or occipital headache. Dryness of the nasal mucus, with sticky scab formations. Hypertrophy or atrophy of the nasal mucous membranes, worse in a room, in dry air, better in fresh air.


Frequent sneezing, as if a coryza would begin and from every little dust. Throws head back when sneezing. Sensitive to least breath of air. Air of agreeable temperature feels cold. Slightest draught aggravates.  Strong odors may start spasms. The greatest sensibility to smell of tobacco.


Much sneezing. Sneezing in sunshine. Nostrils raw, and ulcerated. Coryza acrid discharge, but too thick to run down the lip, worse warm room. Allergic rhinitis with sensitivity to heat and cold. Patient cannot tolerate neither heat or cold. Much sneezing and watery discharge. Worse in damp or wet weather. Coryza with sneezing.


Sneezing in paroxysms, coryza. Tickling in nose and larynx as before a sneeze. Intense itching, tingling, numb feeling on end of nose, rub it constantly. Loss of appetite, with aversion to meat.


Hay fever with dry larynx. Flow of water from nose, then intense sneezing, which better the breathing.


Hay fever. Irritation of nose. Rubs his nose to remove the irritation. Coryza, thin, excoriating discharge, much sneezing. Attacks of sneezing.  Severe paroxysms of sneezing, profuse coryza and lachrymation, irritating the anterior nares, causing redness, heat, swelling and soreness of nose. Coryza drops from nose. Breathing is labored and irregular, asthmatic. Cough in violent paroxysms compelling the patient to hold his head for the pain.


Allergic rhinitis with much sneezing. Intense dryness of mucous membranes. Violent fluent coryza lasting for 1-3 days, then changing into  stoppage of nose. Loss of smell and taste. Thin, watery discharge, resembles white of an egg. Natrum mur patients have a craving for salt and salty food. They are depressed and introvert persons.


Sneezing, with pain in throat. Pain in chest, with difficult breathing. Tongue feels numb. Asthma, relieved by stool. For asthmatic complaints, worse from inhaling any dust. Better in open air. Red swelling across the bridge of the nose.


Hay fever. Spasmodic sneezing with running nose. Copious, watery, nasal discharge. Coryza fluent, worse from the odor of flowers, even thinking of flowers increases the discharge. Coryza with severe frontal pains and redness of eyes and lachrymation. Dry, itching, tickling in nose, rubs or picks at it. Lachrymation along with sneezing. Better from warm food and drink.


Of great use in the treatment of acute colds, coryza, sore throat etc. Will often ‘break up’ a cold. Coryza. Stopped up feeling in nose, also itching and sneezing.


Severe colds. Scanty, acrid discharge. Stoppage of left nostril all day or in afternoon and evening. Nostrils alternately stopped. Nose dry, hot, with lachrymation, sneezing, hacking cough, better lying down.


Violent sneezing with fluent coryza. Sneezing during cough. Copious running, worse in morning. Coryza with ulcerated nostrils. Fluent coryza, margins of nostrils feel sore. Sneezing, throat irritated, short, dry, cough, must take a deep breath. Sneezing with coughing. Child rubs face with fist during cough.


Fullness at the root of nose. Atrophic rhinitis. Painful dryness of mucous membranes. Constant need to blow the nose, but no discharge. Coryza which dries up soon, forming scabs, difficult to dislodge. Hay fever, incessant sneezing. Burning in eyes and soreness of balls. Burning in eyelids.


An intercurrent remedy, when well selected remedies fail. Allergy from eggs, butter, animal fats, fish, feathers or use of feather pillows.


Frequent sneezing. Secretion increased. Burning and tingling in nose. Diminished power of smell. Dryness and obstruction of nose. Smarting in eyes. Heat and burning sensation in eyes, with redness.


Hay fever symptoms. Itching in posterior sinuses. Throat feels swollen, epiglottis dry and has a burning sensation. Sensation as if something in nasal passages.




Saturday, October 30, 2021


A skin tag is a common soft harmless lesion that appears to hang off the skin. It is also known as Acrochordon.

Skin tag develop in both men and women as they grow older. They are skin colored or darker and range in size from 1mm to 5cm.

 Skin tags can develop on any part of the body, but they are most commonly growing on areas of high friction or areas that are commonly rubbed, such as, neck, breasts, groin, stomach, eyelids, and underarms.

Males and females are equally prone to getting skin tags. However, they tend to be more numerous in obese persons and in those with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Skin tags are made up of loosely arranged collagen fibers and blood vessels surrounded by a thickened or thinned-out epidermis.


It is not known what causes skin tags. However, the following factors may play a role:

·       Chaffing and irritation from skin rubbing together.

·       High levels of growth factors, particularly during pregnancy or in acromegaly.

·       Insulin resistance (syndrome X).

·       Human papillomavirus.

·       Hereditary. Skin tags appear to run in families, and researchers suspect that genetics play role in the development of skin tags.


Homoeopathy today is a growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When Skin tag  is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.


Skin tags mainly on face, underarm. The skin is unhealthy and readily ulcerating. Suited to fat, fatty persons. Sweat profusely, especially head at night. Catches cold very easily. Chilly. Craving for eggs and undigestible things like, chalk, dirt, pencil.


Large skin tags, sometimes bleed easily.


Skin tags is mainly seen in the eyelids. It is sometimes large.


Large skin tags, sometimes bleed on washing. Splinter-like pain in skin tags.


Dry, and pedunculated skin tags. Very sensitive skin.


Dry skin with brown spots. Very sensitive to touch.  Skin tags, especially seen in groin.


Externally apply and massage with Podophyllum peltatum Q or Aloe socotrina Q
























Wrinkles are creases, folds, or ridges in the skin. They naturally appear as people get older. The first wrinkles tend to appear on a person’s face in areas where the skin naturally folds during facial expressions. They develop due to the skin becoming thinner and less elastic over time.

Wrinkles also tend to appear on parts of the body that receive most sun exposure, such as the face and neck, back of the hands, and arms.

Wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. As people get older their skin becomes thinner, drier, and less elastic, which means it is less able to protect itself from damage. This leads to wrinkles, creases, and lines on the skin.

Facial expressions, such as smiling, frowning, or squinting, lead to the development of the lines and wrinkles at a younger age. These lines deepen as the person gets older.


Wrinkles are caused by a combination of factors, some of them are:

·       Age: As age advances, skin naturally becomes less elastic and more fragile. Decreased production of natural oils dries skin and makes it appear more wrinkled. Fat in the deeper layers of skin diminishes. This causes loose, saggy skin and more -pronounced lines and crevices.

·       Exposure to ultraviolet light: Ultraviolet radiation, which speeds the natural aging process, is the primary cause of early wrinkling. Exposure to UV light breaks skin’s connective tissue-collagen and fibers, which lie in the deeper layer of skin, dermis. Without the supportive connective tissue, skin loses strength and flexibility. Skin then begins to sag and wrinkle prematurely.

·       Smoking: Smoking can accelerate the normal aging process of skin, contributing to wrinkles. This may be due to smoking effect on collagen.

·       Repeated facial expression: Facial movements and expressions, such as smiling or squinting, lead to fine lines and wrinkles. Each time when using a facial muscle, a groove forms beneath the surface of the skin. As skin ages, it loses its flexibility and no longer able to spring back in place. These grooves become permanent features on the face.


Lines and creases on the skin. Some wrinkles become deep crevices or furrows and may be noticeable around the eyes, mouth and neck.


Homoeopathy today is a growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When wrinkle is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.


Face is wrinkled and has a sickly look. The skin is flabby and hangs loose in folds.


Progressive emaciation, especially of lower extremities. Skin withered, dried up and old looking.


Wrinkles on the face due to syphilis. Body large and fat, but legs too thin.


Suited to fat, flabby, and obese persons. Wrinkles on abdomen, due to relaxation of abdominal muscles in woman, who had given birth to several children, which are loose and hanging. These may be formed in case of a fat man, who exercised to reduce fat and girth of the abdomen and then suddenly left exercising. Chilly and very sensitive to cold air. Catch cold very easily. Craving for eggs and indigestible things like dirt, chalks, pencils, coal.


The entire skin of the body is wrinkled, giving a withered look. Tall, thin, or scrawny persons with brownish skin. Predisposition to glandular and bone diseases.


Wrinkles on forehead. The forehead may be frowning or wrinkled. Wrinkles, especially on the upper part of the body. Irritable persons, who cannot tolerate contradictions.


Wrinkles on neck. Great emaciation. Loosing flesh while eating well. Neck and throat of children emaciate rapidly. Craving for salt and salty foods. Depressed and introvert persons.


Skin clammy, wrinkled. Wrinkles due to seminal emissions. Great weakness.


Progressive emaciation. Child looks dirty, greasy and brownish. Skin about neck wrinkled, hangs in folds. Skin dry, and flabby.


Wrinkles on the face of a child like that of a monkey. Weak child having a big abdomen.


Wrinkles from dehydration. Vomiting and watery diarrhea. Bluish face and pointed nose. Profuse Sweat on forehead.













Hirsutism is a condition in which a woman develops excessive hair growth. Women will develop coarse, dark hair on their upper lip, chin, chest, abdomen, or back, instead of fine hair.


The exact cause of hirsutism is not known, however there are several conditions that are known to cause hirsutism. These conditions include:

·       Male hormones, androgens: Women naturally produce androgen, however, if their androgen levels are higher than normal, or if their hair follicles are more sensitive to androgens, she may develop hirsutism.

·       Polycystic ovarian syndrome: Women with PCOS may produce too many androgens, they may have hirsutism, also have acne, irregular or absent menstrual periods, diabetes, weight gain, and/or problems with fertility.

·       Menopause: The hormonal changes of menopause may lead to increased facial hair (mustache and whiskers).

·       Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: This inherited condition is characterized by abnormal production of steroid hormones, including cortisol and androgen by the adrenal gland.

·       Tumors: Rarely, an androgen-secreting tumor in the ovaries or adrenal glands can cause hirsutism.

·       Virilization:  Hirsutism that occurs suddenly along with other male characteristics, such as deeper voice, acne or increased muscle mass.

·       Medications: Medicines like, anabolic steroids, testosterone, glucocorticoids, cyclosporine, minoxidil, danazol, phenytoin, can cause hirsutism


The main symptom of hirsutism is thick, coarse, dark hair that grows on the face, chest, back, lower abdomen, upper arms, or upper legs of women.

When high androgen levels cause hirsutism, other signs might develop over time, a process called virilization. Signs of virilization might include:

·       Deepening voice

·       Balding

·       Acne

·       Increased muscle mass

·       Enlargement of the clitoris


Homoeopathy today is a growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When HIRSUTISM   is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.


Calcarea carb is suited to fat, flabby, fair and obese persons. Defective metabolism after middle age.   Menstrual irregularities. Menses too early and too long lasting. Chilly patient. Great sensitiveness to cold air. Catches cold easily. Craving for eggs and dirt.


Hairs on unwanted areas. Masculinization in women.  Menses irregular. Prolonged and heavy bleeding with bright blood and dark clots. Timid and anxious persons. Weak memory.


Depressed and introverted persons.  Unwanted hairs on the upper lip. Face oily, shiny, as if greased. Menses irregular, usually profuse.


One of the important remedies of hirsutism, especially abnormal growth of hair on the face. Soreness in ovaries. Amenorrhea. Correct hormonal imbalance in woman.


Hirsutism from ovarian cysts. Cutaneous disturbances and acne rosacea.


One of the best remedies for hormonal imbalance in women. Acne, and hairs on face. Very irritable, angry and sensitive persons. Indifferent. Menses too late and scanty. Bearing down sensation as if everything would escape through the vagina.


Unwanted growth of hair. Menses too early and too short.


Intercurrent remedies











Xanthoma is a skin lesion caused by the accumulation of fat in macrophages in the skin. Less commonly, a xanthoma will occur in a subcutaneous layer.

Xanthelasma, also known as xanthelasma palpebrarum or xanthelasma palpebrum, is the most common form of xanthoma. It is a type of plane xanthoma usually located around the medial canthus of the upper eyelid. Upper and lower eyelids can be affected symmetrically.

Xanthelasma, starts as a small bump that enlarges slowly over several months, presents as soft, yellow-orange macules, papules, or plaques. It is associated with familial hypercholesterolemia, Type II hyperlipoproteinemia, and biliary cirrhosis. It will often occur with normal levels of circulating lipids.


Homoeopathy today is a growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When Xanthelasma is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.


Adapted to fleshy persons with dyspepsia and catarrhal affections. Patients who eat a great deal more, especially meat, than they drink. The digestion is disordered by slightest irregularities in diet.  High level of cholesterol level in blood. It has vaso-dilatory properties.


Increased level of cholesterol in blood. It is specially indicated in old age. Special action on arteries. Arteries becomes rigid due to accumulation of cholesterol in arteries. Arteriosclerosis. High blood pressure. High systolic pressure with comparatively low diastolic pressure. Palpitation and distress in region of heart.


A liver remedy. Regulate fat metabolism in liver. Pain liver. Left lobe is very sensitive. Golden -colored urine. Control the cholesterol level in blood.


Control cholesterol levels in blood. It is a remedy for liver cancer. Effective for gall bladder stones.


Regulate fat metabolism. Emulsifies fat. Increases the duodenal secretions, and increases the peristaltic action of intestines.


Correct fat metabolism in liver. Liver sensitive. Flatulent abdomen, more in the evening 4-8 pm. Lycopodium patient’s lack confidence, cannot endure opposition or contradiction. They prefer hot food and hot drinks. Craving for sweet.


Mild, yielding, timid, emotional, and tearing persons. High cholesterol level from eating rich foods, fat, cake, pastry, especially after pork or sausage, desserts, ice-cream. Thirstlessness, with nearly all complaints. They prefer open air.


Controls lipid metabolism.