Thursday, February 24, 2022


A crack/ fissure is a slit in the skin which is usually localized to the epidermis. Cracks/ fissures are formed due to intense dryness and thickened skin. They can be shallow or deep, and they may bleed or be painful.

Usually, it is seen that dry skin progresses gradually. Initially, dryness does not cause much discomfort. As the dryness increases, the skin becomes tight, scaly, rough and itchy. Extreme dryness leads to shrinking of the skin that eventually develops cracks, particularly in areas that need to flex during movement such as soles of feet.


Rough and cracked skin can arise from both internal and external causes.

External causes of skin dryness include:


·       Unfavorable surroundings: Too hot, cold, or dry air affects the moisture level of the skin’s surface.

·       Weather changes: Peak summers and winters worsen the symptoms of skin dryness.

·       Ultraviolet sunrays: Harmful UV rays lead to premature aging of the skin and this aging skin is more prone to dryness.

Inappropriate skincare practices

·       Frequent washing that includes frequent hand washing or long hot baths removes natural oils that form the skin barrier.

·       Using alkaline soaps or harsh detergents removes skin lipids to dryness.


·       Certain medications such as the ones used to treat acne, or diuretics to control blood pressure as well as certain medical treatments such as dialysis for kidney problems, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy for cancer treatment cause dry skin as side effects.

Occupational risks

·       Certain occupations increase the risk of dry skin. This includes those occupations where there is either exposure to excess hot or cold air e.g., farmer, fisherman, etc., or exposure to chemicals e.g., cleaner, mechanic, etc., or frequent use of soap and detergents e.g., doctor, nurse etc.

Internal causes of dry skin include:

·       Genetic factors: It is seen that there are certain medical conditions such as psoriasis, keratosis Polaris, ichthyosis, and atopic dermatitis, which are often genetic and include skin dryness as a symptom.

·       Hormonal influences: Changes in the levels of certain hormones such as thyroid hormones, as well as estrogen and testosterone, strongly influences the lipid levels of the skin, thus causing dryness. In the case of women, this is especially noticeable during pregnancy or after menopause.

·       Age: As the skin ages, the moisture content of the skin as well as the ability of the skin to hold moisture decreases. Also, with increasing age the sensation of thirst decreases. Along with this, the production of lipids in the skin decreases. This leads to skin aging and the development of wrinkles.

·       Diet: It is seen that like other organs in the body, skin also requires a certain adequate amount of nutrients to function normally. For healthy skin right amount of vegetable oils and vitamins, especially vitamin E and vitamin C, is essential.

·       Smoking: Cigarette contains toxins that decrease the blood flow to the skin and slow down the skin metabolism, thus possibly contributing to skin dryness.

Clinical features

Dry skin can involve any part of the body; however. Some areas are more susceptible than others to become very dry and even get rough and cracked. These areas include:

·       Hands: Cracks mainly occurs around knuckles where the skin is tight. Frequent hand washing, weather changes, and using alkaline cleaners leads to dryness of the skin of the hands.

·       Feet: The skin of the heels area becomes dry and develop cracks.

·       Lips: Dry lips tend to develop cracks.


Diagnosis by physical examination, based on the appearance of the skin. Any history of exposure to an allergen or irritating substance as well presence of other accompanying symptoms.


General measures

·       If the cracked skin is due to an allergen, then it is advisable to avoid contact with that allergen to prevent rough skin from reoccurring.

·       Stress, smoking and scratching cracked skin can make symptoms worse, so one should avoid them.

·       Using fragrance- free good quality detergents for clothes and soaps for the body is advisable.

·       Keeping the rough skin well hydrated by using good quality fragrance-free moisturizers helps to improve the appearance of cracked skin.

·       The affected area should be kept clean to prevent the chances of getting an infection.

·       To avoid scarring of cracked and rough skin, one should keep the affected area well moisturized, avoid scratching the skin during the day and wear mittens to avoid scratching during sleep.

Homeopathy medicines

Homoeopathy today is a growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When Allergic rhinitis   is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.


Chapped and dry tottery skin. Intolerable itching when getting warm in bed. Must scratch until it bleeds; then becomes painful.


Cracks and ulcerations. Chronic cracks, mainly seen on nostrils, hands and feet. Itching, worse at night.

Bryonia alb

Lips parched, dry, and cracked. Dryness of mouth, tongue, and throat, with excessive thirst.

Calcarea fluorica

Chaps and cracks. Fissures or cracks in the palms of the hands, or hard skin. Fissure of the anus.


Deep, painful cracks on the corners of mouth. Fissures form about the muco-cutaneous outlets.

Cistus canadensis

Skin of hands hard, thick, dry, and fissured. Deep cracks. Severe itching. Itching which prevents sleep.


Cracks in nipples, mouth, between toes, bends of limbs, anus, groins, and behind eras. Dry, rough, irritable skin that break easily and exudes a gluey moisture. Raw skin in cracks. Unhealthy skin, very slow to heal.


Cracks on heels. Cracks are very deep and painful. Itching and sweating on the heels and feet. Painful callosities on the soles and toes.


Dry, scaly, itching skin; rhagades of hands and feet in cold weather and from washing.

Mercurius iodatus flavus

Severe itching associated with cracks, worse at night.  Painful cracks, with pricking pain, worse at night, and pressure.

Mercurius iodatus ruber

Small multiple cracks, mainly on the palms. Sore to touch and prone to suppuration. Discharge from the crack is yellow, sticky, and offensive.


Deep cracks in folds, nipples, and finger tips. Skin dry, constricted, very sensitive, rough, and cracked, leathery. Cracks bleed easily. Tip of fingers rough, cracked, fissured every winter. Slightest scratch makes skin suppurate. Burning, and itching, redness and raw. Eczema and psoriasis with cracks. Cracks worse in winter season.

Pix liquida

Skin cracked. Itches intolerably; bleeds on scratching. Eruptions on back of hands.


Skin cracked on hands and feet. Deep cracks on fingers and toes. Pain, itching and burning with cracks. Skin hard indurated. Skin complaints in summer.


Cracked skin with itching and burning, worse from scratching and washing.  Itching worse from warmth, evening, night, and from damp weather.  Dry, cracked, and scaly skin. Dry lips. Skin sensitive to heat and tend to have hot feet.


Skin rough and cracked; feels like leather. Intense itching, stinging, and burning.


Painful cracks. Cracks on hands, feet, knees, extensor surfaces of joints. Dry, cracked skin with severe itching, worse in the bed, in the evening, and at night. Better in open air.

Sunday, February 20, 2022


Molluscum contagiosum is a common viral skin infection of childhood that causes localized clusters of umbilicated papules.

Molluscum contagiosum mainly affects infants and young children under the age of 10 years. It is more prevalent in warm climates than cool ones, and in overcrowded environments. Adolescents and adults are less often infected.

Molluscum contagiosum tends to be more numerous and lasts longer in children who also have atopic dermatitis, due to deficiencies in the skin barrier. It can be very extensive and troublesome in patients with HIV infection or that have other reasons for poor immune function.

Molluscum contagiosum occurs in various sites in children; genital region in adults; disseminated and larger in size in atopic dermatitis or HIV/AIDS.


Molluscum contagiosum is caused by a poxvirus, the molluscum contagiosum virus.

There are several ways the virus can spread:

·       Direct skin-skin contact

·       Indirect contact via shared towels or other items

·       Auto-inoculation into another site by scratching or shaving

·       Sexual transmission in adults

Transmission of molluscum contagiosum appears to be more likely in wet conditions, such as when children bathe or swim together. The incubation period is usually about 2 weeks but can be as long as 6 months.

Clinical features

·       Pearly white, dome shaped, 1-5 mm umbilicated papules, often arranged in groups or linear fashion. On extirpation, a ‘cheesy’ core can be expressed.

·       There may be few or hundreds of papules on one individual. They mostly arise in warm moist places, such as the armpit, behind the knees, groin or genital areas. They can arise on the lips or rarely inside the mouth. They do not occur on palms or soles.

·       When molluscum contagiosum is auto inoculated by scratching, the papules often a row.

·       Spontaneous remission often occurs within 6 to 9 months.


 Complications include, eczema, secondary infection, meibomianitis. Individual lesions can become secondarily inflamed and resemble furuncles.


Molluscum contagiosum is usually recognised by its characteristic clinical appearance or on dermatoscopy. White molluscum bodies can often be expressed from the centre of the papules. Sometimes, the diagnosis is made on skin biopsy.


General measures

·       Keep hands clean

·       Avoid scratching or shaving

·       Cover all visible lesions with clothing or watertight bandages

·       Dispose of used bandages

·       Do not share towels, clothing, or other personal effects

·       Adults should practice safe sex or abstinence


Homoeopathy today is a growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When   Molluscum contagiosum is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.


A specific remedy. Itching. Warts seedy, jagged, bleeding easily, on tips of fingers, nose. Soreness of folds of skin. Skin dirty, white, sallow. Skin prone to intertrigo during dentition. Children slow to walk.


Another specific remedy. Warts, large, jagged; bleed on washing. Sensitive skin. Splinter-like pains. Black pores on face.


Molluscum contagiosum in fat, fair, flabby children. Unhealthy readily ulcerating flaccid skin. Glands swollen. Easily relapses, interrupted convalescence. Profuse perspiration, especially head. Craving for eggs. Also craving for indigestible things like chalk, dirt, coal, pencils. Catches cold easily. Sensitive to cold air.


Eruptions scaly, thick, crusty, moist, and bleeding. Warts large, smooth, fleshy, and flat. Pruritis. Thick crust all over body. Small furuncle on places hurt.


Acne, boils, pustular. Boils on arms and face. Aggravation in evening till midnight, sitting in a warm room.


Acne, small boils. Worse any covering, heat of body intense. Purple spots, worse on legs. Tendency to oedematous swellings of eyelids, mouth, uvula etc.


Skin thick and indurated. Violent itching. Offensive secretions. Worse warmth. Prefers hot drinks and food. Craving for sweets. Flatulent abdomen.


Oily, dry, harsh, yellow, unhealthy skin. Dry eruptions on margins of hair. Redness of old scars. Emaciation, especially in neck. Craving for salt and salty foods.


Vesicular and pustular eruption. Burning and intense itching. Worse contact. Hard excrescences. Itching in palms. Blister like eruption in palms.


Rose coloured blotches, umbilicated eruptions with offensive pus. Eruptions itch only in day time and evening. Every little injury suppurates. Delicate pale waxy skin. Scars suddenly become painful. Rachitic children with large head, open fontanelles and sutures. Distended abdomen. Chilly patient, wants plenty of warm clothing. Offensive sweat on feet, hands and axillae.


Indicated in all sorts of skin eruptions, vesicular, pustular etc, especially in those who have been treated by medicated soaps and washes and suppressed by ointment and local medication. Dirty filthy look of skin with filthy odour. Dry scaly unhealthy skin. Worse from warmth of bed, covering, and night. Better from open air, and uncovering.


Eruptions on covered parts and worse after scratching. Wart like eruption on anogenital region. Left sided affection. Chilly patient. Perspiration sweetish and strong. Has fixed ideas.
















Thursday, February 3, 2022


Lichen planus is a rash characterized by intensely itchy polygonal papules with a violaceous hue involving the skin and less commonly the mucosae, hair, and nails.

It affects all age groups but is most common between the ages of 30 and 60. Children and infants are not commonly affected. There are no gender or racial predispositions.


·       The cause is unknown but an immune pathogenesis is suspected as there is an association with some autoimmune diseases such as myasthenia gravis, and with thymoma and graft-versus-host disease.

·       Rashes with clinical and histological features of lichen planus can occur in chronic active hepatitis, hepatitis B and C infections.

·       Patients taking drugs, the most common culprits being gold and other heavy metals, sulphonamides, penicillamine, antimalarials, antituberculos drugs, and thiazide diuretics, also develop rashes.

·       They also occur in those handling color developers.


There is hyperkeratosis, a prominent granular layer, basal cell degeneration and a heavy T lymphocyte infiltration in upper dermis. Degenerating basal cells may form colloid (apoptotic) bodies. The T cell-basal cell interaction leaves a ‘sawtooth’ dermo-epidermal junction. The picture suggests an immune reaction to an unknown epidermal antigen.

Clinical features

Distribution site:

·       Wrists (volar/flexor aspect of wrist)

·       Ankles

·       Oral mucous membrane

·       Shins

·       Lower back and genitalia

Signs and symptoms include:

·       Shiny, violaceous flat-topped papules and plaques

·       Purplish papules, purplish nodules on skin at sites of friction

·       Sore or painful or asymptomatic

·       Polygonal

·       Severe pruritus. The patients rub rather than scratch, so that excoriations are uncommon.

·       Fine lacy white markings on top of papules known as Wickham striae. These striae are most prominent in the oral mucosa.

·       Scratching and trauma induce new lesions (Koebner phenomenon)

·       On the scalp it can cause cicatricial alopecia

Nail lichen planus

·       Nail involvement is seen in 10% of patients

·       Longitudinal ridging of the nail plate, with nail plate thinning

·       Scarring of the matrix that causes pterygium (a wing-like permanent nail dystrophy) and anonychia.

·       Rarely the papules split the nails and give the ‘tented nail’ or ‘pup tent sign’.

Oral mucosa lichen planus

·       Common sites are buccal mucosa, tongue, gingiva, lips

·       White striae in mouth present on a spectrum ranging from a mild, white, reticulate eruption of the mucosa to a severe, erosive stomatitis.

·       Ulcers to severe erosive stomatitis, erosive gingivitis.

·       White streaks, often forming a lacework, on the buccal mucosa are highly characteristic.

·       Erosive stomatitis may persist for years and may be linked to an increased risk of oral squamous cell carcinoma.

·       Occasionally lichen planus lesion from oral mucosa extend to larynx/esophagus, results in dysphagia and formation of benign strictures.

·       In young men lichen planus are restricted to genitalia and/or mouth.

·       In female erosive lichen planus of the genitalia with desquamative gingivitis.

Homeopathy medicines

Homoeopathy today is a growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When Lichen planus  is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.

Agaricus  muscarius

Papular, pustular, and edematous lesions. Eruption of small pimples like with red areola and violent itching and burning. Sensation in various parts as if ice cold needles were piercing the skin.


Papular eruptions on hands and feet. Intense itching.

Antimonium crudum

Scaly, pustular eruption with burning and itching, worse at night. Rough scaling skin with horny patches. Great tenderness in horny patches. Thick, hard, honey-colored scabs. Itching when warm in bed. Dry skin. Itching of scalp and falling out of hair. Tongue coated thick white, as if whitewashed. The edges may be red and sore. Sensitive to cold bathing. Nails discolored and deformed.

Arsenicum album

Itching, burning, swelling; edema, eruption popular, dry, rough, scaly; worse cold and scratching. Malignant pustules. Ulcers with raised and hard edges, surrounded by a red and shinning crown; with the bottoms like hard, or of a blackish-blue, with burning pains or shooting, principally when the parts affected become cold. Great anguish and restlessness. Changes places continually. Fear of death.

Arsenicum iodatum

Dry, scaly, and itching lesions. Marked exfoliation of skin in large scales, leaving a raw exuding surface beneath.


For oral lichen planus. Ulcers inside the cheeks and on tongue. Mouth hot and tender. Bitter taste in the mouth on eating or on swallowing the saliva. Dry cracked or puffy indented tongue. Ulcers, bleed on eating or by touch.


Pruritus, always worse in cold, wet weather. Vesicular eruptions. Humid eruptions on face, genitals, and hands. Thick brown-yellowish crusts, bleeding when scratched. Warts, large, smooth, on face and palmar surface of hands.

Juglans cineraria Q

Eruption resembling eczema simplex on upper chest, with itching pricking when heated by over-exertion. Pustules on thighs, hips, and nates, with itching and burning, a few pustules on body, face, and arms. Itching in spots, now here, now there, on head, neck, and shoulders, with pricking, burning and redness. Itching on arms, better from scratching.

Kali arsenicosum

Intolerable itching, worse from undressing. Dry, scaly, wilted skin.  Itching worse from warmth. Numerous small nodules under skin.

Kali bichromicum

Papular eruption, with burning pains. Hands become covered with deep, stinging cicatrice. Ulcer with punched-out edges, with tendency to penetrate and tenacious exudation.

Ledum palustre

Eruption of small pimple like red millet seed over the body. Intense itching of feet and ankles, worse scratching and warmth of bed. Eruption only on covered part. Edematous swelling.

Mercurius sol

For oral lichen planus. Irregular ulcers inside the cheeks. The edges are not well defined. Unhealthy and dirty appearance of cheek. Profuse salivation. Offensive odor from the mouth. Metallic taste in the mouth. Increased thirst for water.

Plantago major

For oral lichen planus. Swelling of cheeks. Profuse flow of saliva. Dirty taste. Tongue coated white, with dirty, putrid, clammy taste. Breath putrid.


Dry, scaly, unhealthy skin; every little injury suppurates. Itching, burning; worse scratching and washing. Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin affections. Very red lips and face. Skin affections after local medication. Pruritus, especially from warmth, in evening, often recurs in spring-time, in damp weather. Aversion to being washed, always worse after bath. Craving for sweets.

Sulphur iodatum

Lichen planus. Arms covered with itching rash. Hair feels as if erect.  Papular eruption on face. Obstinate skin affections; painless enlargement of glands, and infiltration of tissues with thickening and induration after inflammation.

Thuja occidentalis

Dry skin with brown spots. Brown spots on hands and arms. Very sensitive skin to touch. Sweetish and strong perspiration. Lichen planus of pigmented variety.