Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Sinusitis means infection or inflammation of the sinuses. The sinuses are air-filled spaces within the bones of the face. They are located in the cheeks, maxillary, forehead, frontal and around the eyes, ethmoidal. The sinuses are linked together and connected to the nose and throat, via narrow channels called ostia. One function of the sinuses is to warm and moisten inhaled air before it reaches the lungs. The sinuses are also with cells that help prevent infection by producing mucus to trap particles of dirt and other pollutants that are breathed in.


Sinusitis is caused by too much mucus, or a swelling of the lining of the sinuses and nose, which can block the narrow channels. This can occur during cold, hay fever, or irritation of the linings of the sinuses. Bacteria then grow inside the sinuses, causing pain, headache, and sometimes fever. Mucus from infected sinuses can be yellow or green. Some people get sinusitis with most colds, while others get it rarely.


Common symptoms of sinusitis include:

·       Blocked nose

·       Feeling of pressure inside the nose

·       Facial pain, particularly when leaning forward

·       Headache

·       Yellow or green colored mucus from the nose

·       Swelling of the face

·       Loss of smell and taste

·       Persistent cough

·       Generally feeling unwell


Homoeopathy today is a growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When Sinusitis   is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.


Headache, especially right side. Pain in right eye with headache.  Worse from noise, jar, cold air, exertion, uncovering. Better from covering up warmly, warm weather, and warm room.  Perforation of nasal septum. Nasal discharges form dry, hard crusts, bleeding occurs when loosened. Nose obstructed and loss of smell. Sneezing. Nasal bone sore. Chilly patients, very sensitive to cold air. Offensive sweat, especially on hands, feet, and axilla.


Sinusitis with distress and fullness at root of nose. Loss of smell. Nasal discharges, thick, ropy, greenish, yellow, and acrid. Large clinkers are seen. Inability to breathe through nose. Tough, elastic plugs, leave on raw surface. Post nasal dripping of thick mucus, discharge drop back into the throat. Much hawking. Nasal septum ulcerates. Fetid smell from nose. Violent sneezing may be present. Headache in small spots. Headache over eyebrows, preceded by blurring of vision. Aching and fullness in glabella. Headache worse from cold, better from pressing at the root of nose.


Sinusitis after coryza. Coryza watery, excoriating, burning, smarting and rawness. Post-nasal dripping. Hawking of yellow, thick, mucus from posterior nares. Thick, tenacious, yellow secretion. Ozaena, with bloody and purulent discharge. Sinus headache. Dull, pressing pain in the forehead on the affected side. The scalp and neck muscles are painful.


Bland, green colored nasal discharge. Coryza better going out in open air. Bad smell from the nose. The right nostril feels stopped, especially in the evening, and there is heaviness or pressing at the root of nose. Loss of smell.  Headache, head feels heavy, cannot hold upright, cannot raise it. Better by lying down or binding the head tightly, walking in open air. Complete absence of thirst. The patient is mild, yielding, timid, emotional and tearful. Weeps easily. Craves sympathy. Changeable moods.


Nostrils raw, and ulcerated. Nasal bones swollen. Yellow green, fetid pus like discharge with burning. Pain, and swelling of nasal bones, and caries with greenish fetid ulceration. Catarrhal headache with much heat in head. Profuse salivation. Fetid odor from mouth. Great thirst with moist tongue.


Fullness at root of nose. Nasal blockage with inflamed sinus. Painful dryness of nasal mucous membranes. Constant need to blow the nose, but no discharge. Catarrhal headache before discharge appears. Dull heavy pressure in forehead and root of nose. Worse from sudden changes of temperature, night, lying down, and better from open air and free discharge.


Violent headache, head feels full, as if it could burst. Pain in the forehead and around the eyes. Headache from suppressed discharge. Throbbing pain in head, worse by jarring, touch, bending forward, lying flat, or motion of the eyes, better from binding the head tightly or applying pressure, sitting up, bending the head backwards. Pains come suddenly, lasts indefinitely, and cease suddenly. Eyes sensitive to light, face is red, and flushed.


Left side headache, left side frontal sinus is affected. Severe throbbing pain over the left eye. Post-nasal dripping of mucus. People gets sinusitis after exposure to cold or cold, wet weather. Feel from warmth or when they stoop or bend the head forward, better from cold applications or from washing with cold water.


Frontal sinusitis. Right sided frontal headache with pain over right eye, worse from rising up and better from lying down. Nose stopped up at night. Fan like motion of alae nasi. Nasal discharge is excoriating, but feels internal dryness of the nose. The patient prefers warm food and drink, also have a craving for sweets.












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