Monday, January 23, 2023



ABROMA RADIX: Irregular menses. Dysmenorrhea. Menstrual flow may be scanty or profuse.


Aversion to sex. Decreased sexual desire. Genitals are relaxed with transparent discharges. Increased desire for masturbation.


Early and copious menses. Anemia and weakness. Leucorrhea. Tendency for abortion.

BORAX: Leucorrhea. Discharge like white of an egg, acrid, profuse and warm.


Profuse and prolonged periods. Menses appear before time.


Uterus weak or undeveloped. Severe pain in the sacral region. Uterine sub involution and fibroids with gastric pain.


Suited to fat and chilly persons who suffer from frequent constipation. Menses too late, scanty. Aversion to sex. Sad and despondent persons, music makes her sad. History of skin diseases.

NATRUM PHOS: Leucorrhea. Acrid, irritating, creamy, honey- colored vaginal discharges. Sour smell for discharges.


Infertility due to on retention of sperms. Offensive, irritating vaginal discharge. Thick, yellow discharge. Bearing down sensation. Menses too early and profuse. Excessive sexual desire.


Menses too early and profuse. Genitals highly sensitive. History of PCOD. Craving for salt or salty food.


Menses irregular. Menses blood scanty, or suppressed.  Infertility with PCOD.


Menses short, scanty, or suppressed. Bearing down sensation. Aversion to sex. Vagina dry, pain during intercourse.


Infertility without any cause. Thick vaginal discharge which is detrimental to the sperms. Due to the spasm of vagina, no sperm was going into the vagina.

Monday, January 16, 2023




Indigestion, especially after overeating.  Sour taste and nausea in the morning after eating. Weight and pain in stomach, worse eating, sometime after. Epigastrium bloated with pressure as of a stone several hours after eating. Heartburn. Heartburn after taking coffee, spicy food, and alcoholic drinks. Constipation. Constipation with frequent ineffectual urging is a leading symptom of Nux vomica.


Indigestion, which is caused by consuming rich foods, fats, pork, pastries, desserts, ice –creams etc. Belching’s, taste of food remains a long time after ices, fruits, pastry etc. Stomach disordered, feels heavy. Heartburn and flatulence.  Indigestion with loose stool. Changeable stools, no two stools alike. Thirstlessness with nearly all complaints.


Indigestion with excessive flatulence. Indigestion may result from over eating, eating rich fatty foods or eating too late in the evening and sleeping soon, thereafter. Digestion slow, food putrefies before it digests. The simplest food distresses. Belching, heaviness, sleepiness, tense from flatulence with pain, worse lying down. Contractive pains extending to chest with distension of abdomen. Sometimes headache associated with indigestion.


 Indigestion, which results from taking cold drinks or stress. Weak digestion with fullness and distension. Heartburn after 2-3 hours of eating, which is better from eating. Eating relieves dyspepsia. Empty feeling in stomach. Gastric pain better from eating, but worse again after 2-3 hours. There is a sensation of plug anywhere in the alimentary canal.


Indigestion with a feeling of constriction just above the pit of the stomach as if everything were knotted up. Pain in stomach always comes on after eating. Belching. Sensation of a lump that hurts. As if a hard-boiled egg had lodged in the cardiac end of stomach. It is a good remedy for dyspepsia of the aged with functional heart symptoms. Offensive breath and eructation’s


 Indigestion from consuming preserved food. Dyspepsia from vinegar, acids, ice cream, ice water etc. Nausea, retching and vomiting after eating and drinking. Burning pain. Ice cold water distresses the abdomen and is vomited immediately. Great anxiety and restlessness.


 Indigestion with constant nausea, not relieved by vomiting. Clean tongue, a leading symptom of Ipecac. The stomach is disordered by rich food, pork, pastry, candy, ice cream etc.


 Indigestion of smokers. Loss of taste. Bitter taste in mouth. Blisters are seen on tongue. Heartburn with intense thirst. Sticking sensation in cardiac orifice. Desire for salt and salty foods.


Indigestion in old people. Digestion weak, worse by slightest errors in food. Stomach feels swollen and sensitive. Heartburn after consuming fats. Ill effects of drinking cold water when overheated.


 Indigestion with great weakness of digestion with much bloating. Hunger, but quick satiety. Eating ever so little creates fullness. Belching rise only to pharynx.  Flatulence, much noisy, pressing out. Immediately after eating abdomen is bloated and full. Complaints from flatulent food, cabbage, beans, oysters, and onions. Lycopodium patient prefer sweets and hot drinks and food.


 Indigestion with great acidity. Sour stomach. Everything turns to acid. Heartburn and acidity of stomach at night on lying down. Nausea with sour belching. Profuse vomiting of an intensely sour fluid. Complaints worse from consuming fats, cabbages, turnips, raw fruits, ice creams.


Indigestion with stomach pain. Pain comes in waves, better doubling up and hard pressure, worse least food or drink, except coffee and tobacco smoking.  Sensation in stomach as if something would not yield, drawing pain in the stomach. Complaints from potatoes and starchy food. Indigestion from anger.


Indigestion is due to drinking excessive tea. Unable to eat breakfast. Complaints from meat, potatoes, onions, garlic etc.  Rancid belching after fat food. Noisy swallowing, loud belching. Flatulence, pain after food, sinking sensation in epigastrium before food.

Sunday, January 15, 2023



Home sickness is a feeling of stress or anxiety caused by separation from people and places that you know. Home sickness is the distress caused by being away from home


Capsicum is one of the top remedies for home-sickness with red cheeks, sleeplessness and disposition to suicide.  Home sickness with heat in throat and red cheeks. Sentimental and have nostalgic moods. Want to be let alone.  Children awkward, in school they cannot study or work and want to go home.  The patient will travel miles to reach home in the evening after work. Office goers will rush home after office hours. They often contact their families on phone whenever they get a little time off, from work.


Home sickness with sorrowful feelings. Desire to be alone, avoids consolation and conversations. Fear of the dark, worse closing eyes. Easily frightened and low spirited. Anxiety at night with orgasm of blood. Weeps during meals.


Home sickness with symptoms of congestion. There is great weariness, confusion of mind and general uneasiness.


 Feels home sick, even though at home and amongst the family. They are depressed, sleepy and having low spirits. The mind is encompassed various delusions. Great fear of sickness.


Home sickness with changeable mood. They are highly emotional and moody. Sighing and sobbing. Complaints from grief, fright, or emotional shocks and disappointments.


Mentally gloomy and home-sick feeling.


Home-sickness with inclination to weep. Great weakness with grief, hopelessness and debility. Apathetic. Indifferent to everything. Impaired memory. The patient may speak and respond quite slowly. Cannot collect his thoughts or find the right word. Home sickness from ailments.




Thursday, January 12, 2023



Wheat allergy with running nose. Profuse watery discharge with sneezing, acrid burning, excoriating the nose and upper lip. Feeling of a lump at root of nose, so blockage of nose is present.  Profuse, bland discharge from the eyes is seen along with this.


Skin eruptions or urticaria like eruptions or edematous swelling are seen after the intake of wheat. Burning and stinging pains, better from cold application, worse from heat. Watery yellow orange-yellow or tomato-sauce like stools.


Severe vomiting and diarrhea occurs due to wheat allergy. Burning pain in abdomen. Ice cold water distress the stomach and is vomited immediately. Offensive rice watery stool followed by great weakness. Thirst for small quantities of water at frequent intervals. Anguish and restlessness.


Wheat allergy with bloated abdomen, abdomen distended, especially upper part, worse lying down, better passing wind. Flatulent colic is also seen, forcing the patient to bend double. Along with this frequent, cadaverous smelling stools, followed by burning is seen.


Whole abdomen is bloated. Tympanitic abdomen. Flatulent bloating better from motion. Much flatulent colic, better from bending double. Pain and heat in abdomen. Diarrhea and weakness.  Diarrhea from wheat and wheat products. Stools undigested, frothy, very weakening with much flatulence.


Abdominal pain seen as a result of wheat allergy. Agonising cutting pain in abdomen causing the patient to bent over double and pressing on the abdomen.Pains, come in waves, better doubling up and hard pressure. Vomiting of bitter water. Frothy, watery, shreddy, yellow diarrhea with flatulence and pain.


Bloated abdomen due to wheat allergy, here lower part of the abdomen is affected.  Flatulence much noisy, pressing out. Immediately after eating abdomen is bloated and full.  Loss of appetite.  Nausea, vomiting, and pain in abdomen is also associated. Patient prefers hot food and drinks. Craving for sweets. Diarrhea with rawness of rectum.


Eczema is seen as a result of wheat allergy. Eczema raw, red, dry, and inflamed, especially on margin of hairy scalp and bends of joints. Severe itching, worse from eating salts.  Patient have a special craving for salt and salty foods. Throbbing pain in the pit of stomach.


Excess flatulence is present due to wheat allergy. Flatulency, wind colic in ascending colon, worse before breakfast. Yellow watery, yellow diarrhea, sometimes involuntary stools, while passing flatus.





Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Edematous swelling. Elevated wheals over the whole body. Stinging, burning pain on the affected area. Worse from touch, pressure, warm room, better from cool air, or cool bathing. Skin becomes sensitive, rosy red and sore. Large urticaria like swellings are seen on the skin.
Burning in stomach. Nausea and vomiting. Loose stools. Great anxiety and restlessness. Thirst for small quantities of water frequently. Running nose.
Nettle rash over whole body. Severe itching. Nettle rash with liver infection.
Hives with gastric disorders. Flatulent abdomen, especially lower part. Itching, worse from warmth. The person prefers hot food and drinks. Craving for sweets. Viscid and offensive perspiration.
Urticaria like swelling after eating peanuts. Itching and burning. Worse from heat. Dry skin. Running nose. Craving for salt and salty foods. 
Nausea and vomiting after taking peanuts. Colicky pain in abdomen with loose stools. Better from passing stool, but reappear soon after passing stool. Bruised soreness in abdominal walls. Frequent ineffectual desire for stool or passing bur small quantities at each attempt. The patient is highly irritable.
Urticaria like swelling with diarrhea after peanut consuming. Itching, worse from undressing and heat.
Rashes all over the body. Severe burning and itching, especially from warmth. Unhealthy skin. Aversion to bathing. Heat sensation in soles and palms.
Urticaria like eruptions. Skin becomes red, and swollen. Severe itching. The patient is highly restless. Constant motion gives relief. Symptoms worse from cool air , better from warm .



Tuesday, January 10, 2023



Aconite napellus

Eyes feels dry and hot, as if sand in them. Red and hot eye. Eyelids swollen, hard and hot. Aversion to light.


Dry eye, especially in the evening. Pain and burning. Eyelids are weak, falling, thickened, dry, burning, smarting. White stars before the eyes with vertigo. Objects looks yellow.

Arsenic album

Dry eye with sensitivity to light. Intense photophobia, better external warmth. Burning in the eyes with hot feeling. Eyelids red, ulcerated, scabby, scaly and granulated. The patient is restless and is anxious.


Eyes painful. Pain may be throbbing or shooting.  Headache with pain in eyes. Aversion to light. Sees red flashes before vision. Eyelids feel sore, congested and swollen. Redness, heat and itching in eyes.


Dry eye from looking at bright light.

Natrum muriaticum

Dry eyes, worse from reading and writing. Pain in eyes when looking down. Cannot read in artificial light. Vision blurred, and wavering. Sees sparks, fiery, zigzag appearance around all objects. Eyes feel bruised with headache, especially in school children. Photophobia, worse sunlight. Itch and burn, must wipe them. Special craving for salt and salty foods.

Sanicula aqua

Dry eyes at night. Eyes burn, exuding a sticky fluid. Lachrymation in cold open air or cold application.


Heat and burning in eyes. Burning and itching.  Cutting as from sand. Bursting pain in eyeballs.  Burning ulceration of margin of eyelids. Photophobia. Obscuration of vision like black gauze or motes before eyes. Halo around lamp-light. Better in the open air.










Monday, January 9, 2023



Cubital tunnel syndrome is neuropathy of the ulnar nerve causing symptoms of numbness and shooting pain along the medial aspect of the forearm, also including the medial half of the fourth digit and fifth digit. It is caused by compression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow region.

Angustura vera

Arms tired and heavy. Coldness of fingers.

Aranea diadema

Numbness and heaviness of parts supplied by ulnar nerve. Burning pain in the nerve.  Feeling as if parts were enlarged and heavier.

Argentum nitricum

Numbness of arms. Numbness of finger tips, especially ring and little fingers. Fingers half clenched, cannot be separated.


Heaviness and weakness and numbness of arms. Paralytic weakness. Trembling of hands.

Hypericum perforatum

Cubital tunnel syndrome from ulnar nerve injury. Pressure along ulnar side of arm. Tingling, numbness, and burning pain.

Kalmia Latifolia

Pain along the ulnar nerve, goes into third and fourth fingers. Pain with numbness. Sticking, darting, pressing or shooting pain.  Tingling and numbness. Pains shift rapidly, shooting outward along the nerves with much nausea and weakness. Swelling and redness on the affected parts. Worse from movement.

Plumbum Metallicum

Weakness and painful lameness of arms and hands. Stinging and tearing pain. Twitching, tingling, numbness and tremor. Lightening like pain better from pressure. Paralysis of single muscles.

Rhus Toxicodendron

Pressure on ulnar nerve from over exertion. Numbness and prickling. Better from motion. Cold air not tolerated.

Ruta graveolens

Sore, aching with restlessness. Heaviness. Paralytic rigidity.













Saturday, January 7, 2023


Benign prostatic hyperplasia also called prostate gland can cause uncomfortable urinary symptoms, such as blocking the flow of urine out of the bladder. It can also cause bladder, urinary tract or kidney problems.


Enlargement of prostate gland with polyuria.


Frequent urination. Urging to urinate, cannot retain the urine. Dribbling of urine after urination.


Urging to urinate. Must strain before flow comes. Bladder irritation. Sensation in anal region as if sitting on a ball. Cannot pass urine without standing with feet apart and body inclined forwards. Burning pain while urination. Urine scanty and foul smelling.


Interrupted urination due to prostate enlargement. Urine stops and starts, better standing. Difficulty in passing urine in the beginning even when standing, then it flows freely. Cutting and burning pain after urination.


Chronic enlargement of prostate in old age. Frequent urination at night with full feeling and pressure in rectum. Smarting at neck of bladder and penis.


Enlargement of prostate gland in old age. Burning in urethra and frequent desire. Urine hard to start.


Frequent desire to urinate, especially at night. Polyuria at night. Takes time for urination, passes with strain. Backache before urination, ceases after urination. Erectile dysfunction associated with prostate enlargement. Increased sexual desire.


Retention of urine due to enlargement of prostate gland.  Dribbling of urine after urination. Constant urging, great straining, pain down thighs during efforts to urinate. Painful urination.


Chronic or acute enlargement of prostate gland. Cystitis from enlarged prostate. Constant desire to pass urine, especially at night. Difficulty in passing urine. Interrupted urination, dribbling of urine. Smarting, burning in urethra during urination. Erectile dysfunction associated with prostate enlargement. Increased sexual desire.


Chronic enlargement of prostate. Enlargement of prostate gland, obstructing flow of urine or inflammation.


Enlargement of prostate with small stream of frothy urine. Swelling of testes and spermatic cord.












Friday, January 6, 2023



Even though we enjoy wintery mornings and enjoy the cold weather, let us not forget the repercussions of winter. To enjoy this weather and in good health some health precautions are needed.

Winter can be a tough time for people who tend to have a weaker immune system. During winters, the body heat usually experiences a drop as the environment cools. At the same time the body is adjusting to the new climate. As a result, the change in the process is demonstrated through a number of diseases. Adults as well as the children are very susceptible to the change in climate. Children especially end to be more absent from school and are more prone to catch a lot of winter related diseases as their immunity is still developing.

During these months we are susceptible to diseases and should know how to manage ourselves better. Most of the diseases affect both adults and children.

Let’s take a look at some common winter woes:

COMMON COLD: The direct result of the loss of body heat due to an obvious drop in the temperatures leads to cold. However, one is more likely to catch cold even one keeps switching over warm and cool environment owing to air conditioners. It’s important to keep ACs at an even temperature during winter. Prevent this infection by washing your hands regularly.

FLU: Shield yourself from chilly winds, wear warm clothes. This illness is airborne and hence beyond a point there is no control over it.

ITCHY SKIN: A lot of derm-sensitive people develop itchy skin during winter. Keep your skin moisturized with petroleum jelly, coconut oil or almond oil regularly.

HEADACHE: Cold winds can sometimes play havoc on your head. Hence, shield yourself with a warm muffler or scarf.

SORE THROAT: They are common in winter and are usually caused by viral infections. Gargle with warm salty water, it really helps in soothing the throat due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

ASTHMA: Cold air is a major trigger of asthma symptoms such as wheezing and shortness of breath. People with asthma should be especially careful in winter, be regular with your medicines and keep reliever inhalers close by.

PAINFUL JOINTS:  Many people with arthritis experience painful and stiff joints in winter. Daily exercise can boost a person’s mental and physical state and thus overall health.

HEART ATTACKS:  Heart attacks are more common in winter. This may be because cold weather increases blood pressure and puts more strain on the heart. Your heart also has to work harder to maintain body heat when it’s cold. Stay warm.

BRONCHIOLITIS: Bronchiolitis is a common viral respiratory infection in young children. It is most frequently seen in children less than 12 months old. Symptoms include nasal congestion, cough, low-grade fevers, and wheezing.

 PNEUMONIA:  Unlike the other common winter illness, pneumonia is often caused by a bacterial infection. It can present in many different ways. Sometimes it starts as a cold that just continues to worsen. If your child has had a cold for several days and suddenly develops a high fever and worsening cough, this could be a sign of pneumonia and you should seek medical help.

 TONSIL INFECTION: It causes irritation of the throat, pain in the throat, enlarged tonsils and the child is unable to gulp food or liquids. Eating anything cold may trigger this or even a virus or bacteria in the air can cause it. Avoid feeding your child anything cold when the weather is cold.

ACUTE EAR INFECTION: This leads to ear pain, blocked ears, itchy Ears. Excessive cold may result into an acute ear infection. Another cause of bacterial ear infection is due to moisture in the ear. A ear infection can occur even overnight, so it is best to identify it at the earliest.

Stay healthy this season with Homoeopathic medicines. Eat freshly cooked food preferably warm and choose immunity boosting vegetables to fight off small colds and coughs.


Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When Winter diseases are concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering mental and physical symptoms.

Homoeopathic medicines are effective both for controlling and preventing winter diseases.


Alumina is prescribed for skin symptoms worse in winter. Red rhagades on hands, worse in winter and from washing.


Ammonium bromatum is indicated for fever troubled with cold in winter. Must warm feet even in warm room.


Ammonium carb is prescribed for cold in winter season. Catch cold easily in winter. Profuse watery coryza. Discharge of sharp, burning water. Stoppage of nose at night with long continued coryza. Cannot breathe through nose. Snuffles of children. Ammonium carb is suited to overweight persons, scrofulous children and stout and sedentary women.


Argentum nitricum is indicated for violent pain in chest and shoulders pressing inward, returning every winter.


Asclepias tuberose is effective of diarrhea in winter. Diarrhea worse in winter. Stool with a feeling as stream of fire passing through abdomen. Stools like white of eggs , yellow, green, clammy, enveloped in froth like moss. Stools smell like rotten eggs or burn like fire.


Bismuthum is prescribed, where headache returning in winter season. Cutting or pressure above right orbit extending to occiput. Headache alternates with stomach pain.


Bryonia alba is prescribed for cough during the winter season. Cough , which is dry, or mucus  very difficult to cough out.  The patient experiences severe chest pain during coughing. Cough worse from motion, and better when taking rest. There is an increased thirst for large quantities of water. Inflammatory rheumatism in winter



Castor equi  is prescribed, where the person dreams of fruit hanging on trees in winter.


Chamomilla is best for cough in winter. Cough and hoarseness with rattling mucus trachea, especially during winter. Rough, scraping cough of children in winter with tickling in supra sterna fossa, worse at night.  Cough worse at 9-12 p.m during sleep, does not wake up the child. Hot coryza with obstruction of nose inability to sleep.


Dolichos is indicated for itching in winter. Itching without eruption. Itching first on feet, every winter higher up, after 7 years reaches hip and abdomen. Itching, worse at night. Itching with liver problems.


Flouric acid is prescribed, where sensation of increased ability to exercise his muscles without fatigue. Flouric acid is less affected by excessive heat in summer or in cold weather.


Gelsemium is indicated for flu symptoms during winter season. There is running nose, which is bland and sneezing accompanied by pain in eyes and head. The patient may also experience weakness, dizziness, and drowsiness. There is frequent and violent chilliness up and down the back, face flushed and dark red. Aching pain in muscles. No thirst, but severe headache is a leading symptom. Hoarseness with dryness of throat, burning in larynx, descending into trachea. Cough from tickling and dryness of fauces. Sensation of soreness in chest when coughing.


Hepar sulph is indicated for loss of voice and cough in winter or when exposed to dry, cold wind. Cough excited when any part of the body gets cold or uncovered. Whitlows occurring  on upper limbs every winter for several years is another symptom of Hepar sulph


Kali bromatum is best for slightly elevated, smooth, red patches like urticaria , but with hardened bases like erythema nodosum  ,  especially in winter. Itching worse at night in bed and in high temperature.


Kali bichromicum is prescribed for winter complaints with complete nasal obstruction, worse in the cold, better with heat, accompanied by a nasal tone of voice and thick, stringy mucus.


Kreosotum is indicated for violent winter cough of old people, with spasmodic turns at night, and very copious light coloured mucous sputa. Also pain or pressure referable to sternum.   


Nuxica vomica is effective for stuffy colds, snuffles after exposure to dry, cold atmosphere, worse in warm room. Coryza, fluent in day time, stuffed up at night or alternates between nostrils. Sneezing, violent, abortive from intense crawling in nostrils. Acrid discharge, but with stuffed up feeling. Difficulty in breathing.


Petroleum is one of the top remedies for skin complaints during winter season. Deep cracks appear in folds, nipples, finger tips etc. Scaly eruptions on hand in winter.  Dirty, hard, rough, thickened skin like parchment. Ulcers in winter.  Skin gets raw, festers or won’t heal, worse in folds. Slightest scratch makes skin suppurate. Thick, greenish, crusts, burning and itching, redness, raw, cracks bleed easily. Eczema in winter. Chilblains, moist, itch and burn, become purple.


Psorinum is another top remedy for winter complaints of skin. Eruption appears around toes and finger nails in winter. Skin dirty, scabby, greasy, breaks out in folds. Intolerable itching is another character which is worse from heat of bed. Herpetic eruptions, especially on scalp and bends of joints with itching. Eczema behind ears. Excrescences disappear in summer, only to occur again in winter. All skin complaints are worse in winter.


Rhus tox is indicated for inflammatory rheumatism worse in winter. Slight hacking cough in winter.


Rumex is a remedy for cough in winter. Cough originally produced by cold air during winter. Cough worse by laying down, and especially 11 o’clock at night. Cough is excited by tickling behind the sternum and attended by a sprain like aching near sternum and with accumulation of mucus in fauces near the posterior nares.


Sepia is another winter remedy, where catarrh every winter with violent coughing; after being in a draft cough tormenting and dry. Severe orthopnoea, had to sit straight up day and night, with horrible anxiety about a rattling in chest, with soreness as if raw on chest. The person fears to suffocate.


Stannum met is a remedy of constipation appearing every Monday or on days after a fete, but only in winter, while the rest of the week the stools were regular. There is fullness in lower part of abdomen, with swelling, malaise, great heat in head, better in open air, returning in house, with ill-humour and sadness. The person felt hungry at noon but no appetite in evening.


Staphysagria is indicated for croupy cough in winter, alternating with sciatica in summer. Cough drove him out of bed compelling him to sit up all night, could not breath while lying down. Sensation as if something were loose in pit of stomach, like loose flesh, that pulled every time he coughed. Cough excited by tobacco smoke.


Sulpjur is prescribed, where deafness and surging noise in right ear in winter , worse on excitement or moving. Rheumatism in winter, worse warm in bed; at night, pain in face, comes on 11 to 12 p.m. Headache, worse in winter.  Ulcer of more than two years on duration on left leg, above outer malleolus, as large as a quarter dollar, with areola much swelled, very hard, dull purplish red, stinging pains, scanty discharge. Before appearance of ulcer had much rheumatism, better in winter, worse before a storm. Feet hot at night, keeps them out of bed.

SYPHILLINUMSyphillinum is indicated for chronic asthma in summer, especially when the weather was warm and damp; most frequently in evening, passing off at daybreak; soreness of chest, with great anguish and inability to retain a recumbent position. In Winter severe bronchial cough succeeded asthmatic attacks. A regular type of chills and fever developed; suffered from this many years before. Cold pain in legs.


Thursday, January 5, 2023


Hyperhidrosis is the name given to excessive and uncontrollable sweating. Sweat isa weak salt solution produced by sweat glands. These are distributed over the entire body but are most numerous on the palms and soles.

Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When computer vision syndrome   is concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering mental and physical symptoms.

Baryta carbonica

Fetid foot sweat, with callosities on the soles which are painful on walking. Soles feel bruised at night, keeping one awake rising and walking.


Sweat on covered part. Sweat during sleep. Suddenly occurring and suddenly disappearing.


Profuse perspiration, especially in armpit. Onion-like smell offensive odour.

Bryonia alba

Sweat on short spell; only on single part; oppressive drawing in head as sweat subsides.

Butyric acid

Preparation on slight exertion; profuse; offensive sweat of feet; crumbling away of fingernails.

Calcarea carbonica

Profuse perspiration, especially on the scalp even while sleeping; leaving the pillow extremely wet. Foot sweat which makes feet sore; feet feel cold and damp, as if she had wet stockings. Burning in the soles. Chilly patient. Catches cold very easily. Craving for eggs and indigestible things like, dirt, chalk, lime, pencil. Suited to fat, fair, and flabby persons.

Carbo vegetabilis

Foot-sweat excoriating toes; toes red, swollen; stinging, as if frosted; tip of toes ulcerated.


Excessive sweating in women after confinement.

Cinchona officinalis

Exhausting night sweat; partial cold sweat on the face; all over body with thirst.

Conium maculatum

Sweat as soon as one sleeps; or even when closing eyes; night and morning sweat; with offensive odour and smarting in skin.


Excessive sweating; skin eruption.


Profuse foot sweat, the most moderate walking causes soreness between toes. Spreading blisters on the toes. Thick and crippled toe-nails.

Ferrum metallicum

Profuse long-lasting sweat. Clammy debilitating sweat especially in anaemic persons.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum

Profuse sweat day and night without relief. Sweat on every mental and physical exertion. Sour, offensive sweat.


Acrid, corrosive foot-sweat; oedematous swelling of the feet.


Copious perspiration. Profuse salivation. Increases secretion of all glandular parts of body.

Kali carbonica

Profuse fetid foot-sweat. Swelling and redness of the soles. Chilblains. Stitches in the painful and sensitive corns. Sweat on upper part of the body, especially after eating.

Lactic acid

Profuse inoffensive sweating of feet.

Lycopodium clavatum

Profuse and fetid foot-sweat, with burning in the soles. One foot hot, the other cold, or both cold and sweaty. Swelling of the soles. They pain when walking. Fissures on the heel.

Magnesia muriatica

Great tendency of head to sweat.

Mercurius solubilis

Profuse perspiration with all complaints; doesn’t get relief. Worse at night.  Breath and body smells foul. Weakness along with sweating. Profuse salivation. Increase thirst.


Feet tender and bathed in a foul moisture. Feet swollen and cold. Hot swelling of the soles, with burning. Heel painfully swollen and red. Chilblain. Tendency of skin to fester and ulcerate.


Exhausting perspiration all over. Perspiration after walking. Perspiration smelling like garlic.

Polyporus officinalis

Excessive sweating of consumptives.


Profuse perspiration after acute diseases, with relief of all suffering.  Offensive sweat. Cannot tolerate cold air even in hot weather.

Pulsatilla nigricans

Left side sweat; only on feet and head.


Copious sweat, especially of scalp. Constant whether sleep, wake, motion, rest. Hairs always wet.

Sambucus nigra

Profuse sweat over entire body during waking hours; on going to sleep, dry heat returns.


Profuse sweating on armpit, genitals, on anterior part of body; stains linen yellow and stiffen


Profuse foot-sweat or very fetid, causing soreness of toes; burning, or heat of the feet at night; crippled nails.


Profuse sweating of feet, hands, and armpits. Extremely offensive, sometimes sour or putrid odour. Nervous, irritable, and obstinate persons. Profuse sweating on hands, because of this difficulty in writing and grasping objects. Profuse offensive sweat in armpit.

Sulphuric caid

Excessive sweating, better after drinking wine.


Profuse sweating. Excessive heat in palms, soles and head with increased sweating. Highly offensive odour.

Thuja occidentalis

Fetid sweat on toes, with redness and swelling of the tips; nets of veins, as if marbled, on the soles of the feet; suppressed foot-sweats, nails crippled, brittle or soft. Sweat on uncovered part. 

Veratrum album

Cold clammy sweat staining linen yellow. Worse on the forehead.

Zincum metallicum

The feet are sweaty and sore about toes; also, fetid. Chilblains from scratching and friction. The suppression of sweat causes paralysis of the feet. Cannot tolerate covering during sweat.