Tuesday, January 10, 2023



Aconite napellus

Eyes feels dry and hot, as if sand in them. Red and hot eye. Eyelids swollen, hard and hot. Aversion to light.


Dry eye, especially in the evening. Pain and burning. Eyelids are weak, falling, thickened, dry, burning, smarting. White stars before the eyes with vertigo. Objects looks yellow.

Arsenic album

Dry eye with sensitivity to light. Intense photophobia, better external warmth. Burning in the eyes with hot feeling. Eyelids red, ulcerated, scabby, scaly and granulated. The patient is restless and is anxious.


Eyes painful. Pain may be throbbing or shooting.  Headache with pain in eyes. Aversion to light. Sees red flashes before vision. Eyelids feel sore, congested and swollen. Redness, heat and itching in eyes.


Dry eye from looking at bright light.

Natrum muriaticum

Dry eyes, worse from reading and writing. Pain in eyes when looking down. Cannot read in artificial light. Vision blurred, and wavering. Sees sparks, fiery, zigzag appearance around all objects. Eyes feel bruised with headache, especially in school children. Photophobia, worse sunlight. Itch and burn, must wipe them. Special craving for salt and salty foods.

Sanicula aqua

Dry eyes at night. Eyes burn, exuding a sticky fluid. Lachrymation in cold open air or cold application.


Heat and burning in eyes. Burning and itching.  Cutting as from sand. Bursting pain in eyeballs.  Burning ulceration of margin of eyelids. Photophobia. Obscuration of vision like black gauze or motes before eyes. Halo around lamp-light. Better in the open air.










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