Wednesday, February 22, 2023



Arsenicum album

Blood is disorganized causing pernicious anemia and severe septic conditions. Aresenic alb retards the waste of RBC. Gradual weight loss and decrease of appetite. Looks pale due to destruction of RBC. Face swollen, pale, yellow, cachetic, and sunken. Face is covered with cold sweat. Swollen bleeding gums, painful to touch. Tongue dry, ulcerated with burning. Ascites and anasarca. Abdomen swollen and painful. Liver and spleen enlarged and painful. Skin dry, rough, scaly, worse cold and scratching. Disturbed sleep. Anguish and restlessness. Palpitation, pulse more and rapid in the morning. Impaired muscular power. Severe weakness.


Family history of pernicious anemia. Weariness and fatigue. Trembling in morning on waking. Sighing breath, causing the heart to constrict. Palpitations audible, tremultuous, violent and visible.

Crotalus horridus

Disorganization of blood causes hemorrhages and jaundice. Hemorrhages from every part of body. Face yellow with death like pallor. Tongue fiery red, dry in centre, smooth and polished. Ulcerations of stomach with constant nausea and vomiting. Trembling feeling of heart with palpitation. Feeble pulse.  Skin cold and dry. Purpura hemorrhagica. Easily tired by slight exertion. Old age nutritional troubles. Severe prostration and trembling. Vertigo with weakness and trembling.


Phosphorus causes disorganization of blood. Polycythemia. Purpura hemorrhagic. Petechial spots in the skin. Face pale, sickly, blue rings under the eyes. Paleness in the skin and mucous membranes. Tongue dry, smooth, red or white, not thickly coated. Hunger soon after eating. Craves ice cold drinks and food. Tightness in chest. Palpitation and anxiety of heart. 

Picric acid

Progressive pernicious anemia. Heavy, tired feeling. Neurasthenia. Muscular debility. Burning pain in many parts, along spine in legs. Degeneration of the spinal cord with paralysis. Anesthesia of legs as if one has on elastic stockings.  Great weakness, tired, heavy feeling all over body, especially limbs. Feet cold.  Prickling as of needles. Loss of appetite.


Pernicious anemia with goiter. Anemia, emaciation, muscular weakness, sweating, headache, nervous tremor of face and limbs, tingling sensation and paralysis.  Persistent headache. Flushed face. Lips, dry, red, burn, with free desquamation.  Heart rate increased. Heart’s action weak with numbness of fingers. Coldness and cramps in extremities. Aching of lower limbs. Itching without eruptions. Peeling of the skin of lower limbs. Edema of legs. Amenorrhea in young girls. Tired and irritable.


Destruction of RBC is responsible for anemia and jaundice with their secondary symptoms. The hemoglobin is changed so it cannot act satisfactorily as an oxygen carrier and as a result have breathlessness, dizziness, headache, faintness and palpitation. Tendency to hemorrhage under the skin. Undue fatigue, muscle cramps and cyanosis. Drowsiness, depression and insomnia.















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