Computer vision syndrome or Digital eye strain,
describes a group of eye and vision- related problems that result from
prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader and cell phone use. Many individuals
experience eye discomfort and vision problems when viewing digital screens for
extended periods. The level of discomfort appears to increase with the amount
of digital screen use.
The most common symptoms associated with Computer
vision syndrome are:
· Eye
· Headaches
· Blurred
· Double
· Colour
· Sensitivity
to light
· Dry
· Neck
and shoulder pain
· Backache
· Wrist
The symptoms may be caused by:
· Poor
· Glare
on a digital screen
· Improper
viewing distance
· Poor
seating posture
· Uncorrected
vision problems
· A
combination of these factors
· Resting
your eyes at least 15 minutes after 2 hours of computer use
· Looking
away from the computer and into the distance for at least 20 seconds every 20
· Enlarging
the text on your computer screen
· Reducing
glare from nearby light sources
· Using
a screen glare filter
· Using
a flat –screen monitor
· Positioning
your screen so that the center is 4 to 5 inches below your eye level
· Positioning
your screen so that it is 20 to 28 inches from your eye
· Remembering
to blink often
Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing
system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its
evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick
individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual
and physical levels. When computer vision syndrome is
concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy, but the
selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering mental and
physical symptoms.
Eye strain from overwork. Aching, tired
feeling in eyes, better closing or pressing upon them. Blurred vision. An
effective remedy for restoring power to the weakened ciliary muscles.
Bruised, sore feeling in the eyes after
close work. Feel tired and heavy after seeing moving pictures. Must keep eyes
open. Dizzy on closing them.
The eyes are congested. Eyes dry and red.
Photophobia. Heat and burning in the eyes. Shooting pain deep in the eyes.
Sensation as if eyes were half closed. Lines appear crooked when reading.
Double vision, sometimes triplopia. A sensation of sand in
eyes. Eyelids feel sore, congested and swollen. Sometimes headache
associated with eye complaints.
Neck pain and stiffness of neck muscles in computer
vision syndrome. Stiff neck and pain worse from pressure and moving the hands.
Due to neck pain the head is drawn back. Pain is worse from cold, and better
from warmth. Blurred vision. Dee seated throbbing and shooting pains in the
eyes. Intense aching in eye balls. Photophobia from artificial light. Sees red
flashes with dark borders.
Profuse hot or acrid tears from eyes. Burning and
irritation of eyes. Burning and swelling of eyelids. Pressive,
cutting pain in eyes. Pain in the eyes as from sand. Lancinations in
the eyes, excited by bright light. Dryness and itching of the eyes.
Photophobia with spasm of the eyelids. Frequent inclination to blink. Pressive
headache with photophobia.
Great heaviness of the eyelids. Double vision when
looking sideways. Vision blurred and smoky. Dim vision. Pain in the eyes with
contraction and twitching of muscles. Eyes s red sore aching, and suffused.
Watering from the eyes. Dull, heavy headache with heaviness of eyelids.
Stiff drawing sensation when moving the eyes.
Eyelids stiff. Vision weak and impaired. Pain in the eyes, worse when moving
the eyes.
Bruised pain in eyes with headache. Headache as if
thousand little hammers knocking on the head. Headache worse from
reading. Pain in the eyes when looking down. Blurred vision.
Irritation of eyes with burning, redness and lachrymation. Sees
sparks, fiery, zigzag appearance around all objects.
Astigmatism or blurred vision in computer vision
syndrome. Spasm of ciliary muscle with irritability after using eyes. Pupils
contracted. Vision trembling. Bloodshot eyes with burning pain. Pain over
orbits, cannot bear to raise eyelids. Eyelids tense cannot close or open them.
Photophobia. Profuse lachrymation.
Eye strain from whatever cause. Eyes easily tired
from slightest use. Heat and burning in the eyes. Pain in the eyes with
headache. Nausea and vertigo after use of eyes. White spots before eyes.
Neck pain and stiffness of neck in computer vision
syndrome. Stiff neck with painful tension when moving. Pain better
from moving the neck to a comfortable position, warmth and worse from rest.
Neck pain extends to shoulders and also felt between shoulder blades and
scapulae. Eyes painful on turning it or pressing. Profuse gush of hot scalding
tears from the eyes.
Eye strain and headaches in computer vision
syndrome. Tired eyes due to over strain. Eyes red, hot and painful when reading
fine letters. Disturbances of accommodation. Dim vision with dullness and
weakness of vision. Pressure is felt deep in orbits. Itching in inner canthi.
Blurred vision, occasionally double vision. Lachrymation. Spasm in lower
eyelids, when it ceases, lachrymation starts.
A remedy for backache. Cannot sit on hard surface
for long time, put soft pillow below while sitting. Pain on coccyx area.
EYE DROPS externally.
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